WTFDYW "Men's Group" for Women

A sisterhood of women dedicated to creating truly exceptional relationships with men.


Some women have given up on having truly fulfilling, authentic, relationships with men. They either settle for what seems to be available (often crumbs), or disavow the male gender entirely.

Those women are not you. 

You understand that men process emotions differently, and even if it feels at times that men don't care or aren't listening, you're committed to learning to work with the differences.

This is a group of women (organized, humbly, by a man) who come together weekly to examine their habits and patterns in relationship & sexuality, connect with each other, and (on select occasions) invite men into their process.

15 women. 3 High-caliber coaches (2 men, 1 woman).

Thursdays @ 5:30 PM Pacific, 8:30 PM Eastern.

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"Where are all the good men?" a question I've often heard women ask. How do they keep attracting (insert your descriptor of choice: narcissists, unavailable men, uncommitted men, men they're not attracted to)?

That, or "is it even *possible* to have a good relationship with a man I'm romantically or sexually involved with?" or "Am I just broken?"

Good men exist. Men who value personal growth may be unicorns, but in this group, you will meet good men as well as learn how to create good men everywhere you go.

We'll dive into *your* experience with men and see what we can't tease out to make your engagements with men just a little bit easier.

And, if you really lean in, you'll make some female friends along the way.

I'm running a few men's groups concurrently, so this is a good way to help re-pattern your masculine templating to include men who are "doing the work" and, perhaps, deepen your own understanding of how you relate (and have related) to men.

This group is for you if...


  • You come with a sense of humility, and truly desire to grow.

  • You are capable of receiving well-intended feedback without becoming defensive. Both from me and your fellow women. I am sensitive to the fact that I am a man facilitating this group, and you're not going to find me railroading you into my perspective. Rather, I ask that we hold the frame of gentle *inquiry* over accusation or calling out.

  • You understand the value of commitment, and have a growth mindset. If you're just wanting to do things the way you've always done them, or you want to complain without evolving your approach to life, this is not your space.

  • You are accepting of people of all faiths, ethnicities, and sexual orientations. You have cultivated curiosity towards life and your fellow humans.

  • You have integrity, and can be relied upon to honor your word. You value repair if and when that proves impossible.

  • You are community-minded. You are a direct communicator, avoid gossip, and you respect others' time.

  • You are dedicated to understanding men and taking responsibility for your own relationships with them. If you have an axe to grind or need to be heard for your challenges with men, that is more than welcome in this space. However, your commitment is to come out the other side of the conversation with clarity and positive action.


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Your Facilitators

Michael Author

Michael Author has spent over a decade in the trenches after leaving his career as an English professor, first developing his own sexuality consciously by diving into the world of polyamory & sex cults, followed by 8 years supporting hundreds of men to connect to their healthy masculinity, address sexual insecurities or performance concerns, and create powerful relationships.

His background is in western esoteric magick and neo-tantra, and he specializes in helping men who are in times of transition to recreate their lives and their sexuality to fit more completely with their deepest soul-led desires.

He works in groups and in 1:1 mentorship situations, and you can find more about both on this website.

Kristy Scher

Kristy helps individuals and couples recover their innate capacity for outrageously satisfying relationships.  She believes self-attunement is the heart of relational skillfulness and that when we make it our relational true-north, love and intimacy can become sources of nourishment and refuge in our lives.


Kristy is a certified coach, former perinatal nurse, and certified yoga and meditation teacher with more than 10,000 hours of teaching and training under her belt.  She is a certified Mother Hunger Facilitator™️; is trained in Compassionate Inquiry; and has completed The Couples Institute Level One Training with Dr. Ellyn Bader.  Kristy is currently completing her Relational Life Therapy Coaching certification with renowned couples therapist, Terry Real.


In addition to helping individuals and couples have more fulfilling relationships, Kristy writes and teaches about intimacy, love, and the slings and arrows of mothering and daughtering.  

Connect with Kristy

Kedar Shashidar

Coming soon