Depth Sexuality for Men (Spring)

Become the man who shows her what is possible.

She smiles when you walk into the room.

She feels safe in your arms, and can't wait to rip your clothes off. She feels things with you that she's never felt with another man.

Your relationship with her is grounded in a rock-solid relationship with yourself and your own sexuality. 

Depth Sexuality is a modality that helps you overcome old patterns and craft a unique style of sexual engagement that will last a lifetime.

Begins 3/26/25 

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"Men don't talk about sex."

 --Hopefully Someone Who's Not You

At least not most men, not regularly, and definitely not with other men in any capacity other than bragging or joking.

As a result, many men end up feeling they don't have anyone to speak with about it, and a myriad of undesirable patterns can linger for years if not decades.

  • Rapid Ejaculation
  • Porn Addiction
  • Disparity of desire with their partner(s)
  • Neediness or dissatisfaction with sexual engagement
  • Feelings of shame or inadequacy
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Lack of desire
  • Fear of crossing boundaries
  • ...and many others


So, what's the solution?


The first and most difficult part of the journey to fully inhabiting your sexuality is to admit that you have more to learn, and to COMMIT to the journey.

Essentially, humility coupled with a hunger to grow.

Sexuality is so tied to our own sense of self-worth that by the time many men come to me they've basically given up or accepted "This is just how it is."

Only, it isn't. No matter what your habits and patterns or experience with s*xuality is, more is always available for the intrepid explorer who can set their ego aside long enough to ask "What more is possible?"

Over the course of 90 days, I take men through a process founded in western neotantric practice that completely revolutionizes the way they engage with their own sexuality and opens the door to ejaculatory choice, male multiple orgasm, and a depth of connection with their partner(s) that most will only dream of.

I host this work on a 1:1 basis, and as a group program once per year. A self-paced online program will be available soon.


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Depth Sexuality is a Modality.

One thing I've learned about myself as a man is that I do better when I work with systems. Most other men do, too.

The problem with sexuality is that it tends to defy systems-thinking

Sexuality is visceral and deeply emotional. If you attempt to figure it out using only your mind you're gonna have a bad time. Most people will not respond well to bringing systems to them in the bedroom.

Luckily, your partner(s) will never have to understand it. When you begin to embody this work as a man, your partner(s) will naturally respond. To them, it will simply be an experience. The tools we practice in Depth Sexuality can be your well-kept secret. I've created this system based on 13 years of conscious engagement with my sexuality. I've witnessed and embodied the good, the bad, and the downright ugly. 

What I've found is that every sexual experience falls into one of four modes of sexual engagement (though multiple modes may be exhibited in a single encounter). In Depth Sexuality we look at the flow of energy within each of these four modes, and reverse-engineer the components so that you can choose to enter any of the four modes at will.

Ultimately, this is a skills-based course. Rather than focusing on performance, however, we focus on Depth. The deeper you can drop in to each mode by practicing their constituent parts, the greater your capacity becomes to:

  • Feel your partner.
  • Feel yourself.
  • Express your naturally dominant energy without fear or second-guessing yourself.
  • Cultivate your receptivity.
  • Maintain awareness and influence the functions of your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems during sexual encounters.

The first step is to have an exploratory session to see if you are a good fit for it and vice versa. Your 45-minute exploratory session is $75 which may be applied to the course fee when you join.

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"I feel like I told myself for a long time that I, as resourceful as I am, and as much as I had explored, had access to all sorts of tools and strategies. It was just a matter of needing to kick myself in the pants and have the motivation to use them. After going through Depth Sexuality, I realize I *didn't* have all the tools. I'm more aware of the uncertainties and insecurities I had before, and the tools that I need to move forward are now clear to me. As an entourage. They complement one another."


"My partner is *very* happy I found Michael. I used to approach sexuality as a primarily physical activity, and now I am sensitive to the more subtle energies involved."

Jack S

"I have worked with Michael Author for about 10 months now and I highly recommend him. What really set him apart was his ability to see me where I was. I am now a more confident person and I have a few women orbiting around me whereas I was previously limited to birds with broken wings."

Olivier W.

What do you want your testimonial to say? Tell me and let's create it.

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Course Fee


For 3 Months

  • 12 Weeks of Group Coaching
  • Virtually unlimited access to Michael & Assistant Coaches during the container
  • Call Recordings
  • Lifetime access to course materials
  • WhatsApp Group
  • Peer Support
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Early Bird Fee


For 3 Months (Valid until 3/1/25)

  • 12 Weeks of Group Coaching
  • Virtually unlimited access to Michael & Assistant Coaches during the container
  • Lifetime access to course materials
  • Call Recordings
  • WhatsApp Group
  • Peer Support
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Depth Sexuality Curriculum

Delivered live on Zoom. Program & recordings are yours forever on the client backend.

Module 1: Reset

Week 1: Answering The Big & Small Questions You Haven't Asked - Creating Daily Practice

Week 2: Get Into Your Body & Stretch Your Arousal Envelope

Week 3: Realizing Your Breath

Week 4: Fundamentals of Sexual Meditation

Module 2: Creating the Circuits of Power & Flow

Week 5: Understand Sexual Energetics / Power Dynamic Introduction

Week 6: “This is Spinal Tap”

Week 7: Your Body, Resonance Chamber

Week 8: Developing a Powerful Relationship to Orgasm (Ejaculatory Choice & Energetic Orgasms)

Module 3: Four Modes of Sexual Expression

Week 9: Zero-Point

Week 10: Performative

Week 11: Primal 

Week 12: Creating Sexual Flow (Bringing It All Together)

Bonus: 2 Guest Lectures from World-Renowned sexuality teachers on BDSM Power Dynamics & Designing impeccable sexual containers in long and short-term relationships.

Michael Author

Michael Author has spent over a decade in the trenches after leaving his career as an English professor, first developing his own sexuality consciously, and then 7 years supporting hundreds of men to connect to their healthy masculinity, address sexual insecurities or performance concerns, and create powerful relationships. His background is in western esoteric magick and neo-tantra, and he specializes in helping men who are in times of transition to recreate their lives and their sexuality to fit more completely with their deepest soul-led desires.

Please note that, although the language I use on this page speaks primarily to heterosexual, cisgender, men (who are the bulk of my clientele), Depth Sexuality can be of equal value to queer, gay, and trans-men who are tops, sides, or are versatile as well as to gender nonbinary individuals who were assigned male at birth. Any man or male-bodied individual is welcome here.